RSA Cryptography

Leonardo Tamiano

Why Public Key Cryptography?

Cryptography can be studied from many different points of view.

Many points of view in Cryptography (1/2)

Based on the services offered

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Authentication
  • Protection against replay attacks

Many points of view in Cryptography (2/2)

Based on the ways keys are managed

  • Symmetric key cryptography
  • Asymmetric key cryptography

All algorithms based on symmetric key cryptography assume to be working with a symmetric key that is shared across all the entities that need to communicate.

Encryption/Decryption in symmetric cryptography

\[\begin{split} \text{(plaintext) } p &\longrightarrow \text{ENCRYPT}(p, k) &= c \text{ (ciphertext)} \\ \\ \text{(ciphertext) } c &\longrightarrow \text{DECRYPT}(c, k) &= p \text{ (plaintext)} \\ \end{split}\]

The problem is…

How do you share the symmetric key?

This is essentially impossible to solve if you consider a situation in which you want to communicate securely with someone you have never met and can't possibly meet in other ways.

Q: Is it possible to communicate securely if you have not been able to share a symmetric key beforehand?

A: Yes, it is!

Thanks to Asymmetric Cryptography!

Introduced by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in 1976, asymmetric cryptography has been a huge leap forward for cryptography.

The paper introduced the idea of asymmetric cryptography, also known as public-key cryptography as well as the notion of one-way trapdoor functions.

The paper also discussed a pratical technique that allowed to

share secrets securely over an insecure communication channel

The technique introduced is now known as the

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (DH)

and it is used in many practical context, including SSL/TLS.

Historical Note

Even though the first public paper of such ideas was published in \(1976\) by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, the same ideas were independently discovered at GCHQ some years earlier around \(1973\).

\[\text{GCHQ} \rightarrow \text{Government Communications Headquarters}\]

Asymmetric cryptography is based on the generation of two keys \(k_1, k_2\) such that:

  • All that is encrypted by one of the key can only be decrypted by the other.
  • Out of the two keys, only one can be used to derive the other efficiently.

Out of the two keys, \(k_1, k_2\), we call

  • private key, the key that allows us to generate the other key efficiently.
  • public key, the remaining key.

For example, given \(k_1, k_2\), if we can use \(k_1\) to generate \(k_2\), then we call \(k_1\) the private key, and \(k_2\) the public key.


In asymmetric cryptography we have two keys, a private key, and a public key. From the private key we can efficiently compute the public key, but from the public key we cannot efficiently compute the private key.

RSA is one of the first examples of a complete public-key cryptosystem that can be used for:

  • confidentiality
  • integrity
  • authentication

Hands-On Introduction to RSA

Before describing the formal theory let us see some pratical examples.

Suppose, for your own protection, that you want to encrypt the following message

\[\text{The tutor of CNS sucks at teaching}\]

In RSA, everything is a number.

More specifically, everything is a number in some

modular group \(\mathbb{Z}_n\)

Modular Arithmetic

In traditional arithmetic we consider sets made up of infinite numbers, such as

  • the set of natural numbers

    \[\mathbb{N} = \{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, \ldots\}\]

  • the set of integers

    \[\mathbb{Z} = \{0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, \ldots\}\]

The problem is that

computers have only a finite memory

To fix this problem, we introduce the modular group \(\mathbb{Z}_n\), which is a well known and studied algebraic structure that has only has a finite number of possible values.

Anatomy of \(\mathbb{Z}_n\):

  • It contains \(n\) different values

    \[\mathbb{Z}_n = \{0\;\;, 1\;\;,\;\; \ldots, \;\; n-1\}\]

  • Traditional operations replaced with modular operations

    \[\begin{split} 3 + 7 \mod 5 &= 10 \mod 5 \\ &= 0 \mod 5 \end{split}\]

Modular operations works as follow:

  • First we perform the operation as usual
  • Then we take the remainder when dividing the previous number with \(n\)

Some examples

\[\begin{split} 3 + 10 \mod 3 &= 13 \mod 3 = 1 \mod 3\\ 5 + 13 \mod 4 &= 18 \mod 4 = 2 \mod 4\\ \\ 3 * 10 \mod 6 &= 30 \mod 6 = 0 \mod 6\\ 2 * 17 \mod 7 &= 34 \mod 7 = 6 \mod 7\\ \end{split}\]

When working with modular arithmetic \(\mathbb{Z}_n\), the number of the modulus \(n\) assumes a very critical role.

In particular, it matters whether \(n\) is a prime or not.

Modular arithmetic can be visualized as clock arithmetic.

\[\mathbb{Z}_{12} = \{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11\}\]

Remember our objective was to encrypt the dangerous message

\[\text{The tutor of CNS sucks at teaching}\]

How do we go from the message text to a number in some \(\mathbb{Z}_n\)?

RSA keys

Given that RSA is a public-key cryptography system, we have two keys:

  • A private key, an integer \(d\)
  • A public key, composed of two integers \((e, N)\)

Before encrypting our message we have to obtain the public key of the future receiver of the message.

RSA Keys

\[d \;\;,\;\; (e, N)\]

The number \(N\) represents the modulus we're working with.

\[\mathbb{Z}_N = \{0, 1, 2, 3, \ldots, N-1\}\]

In our case, suppose our friend has the following public key

E = 65537
N = 12357441190498766132449640928501623256469111823853059262686903

What's up with the BIGGGG N?

The value \(N\) is actually obtained by multiplying two prime numbers \(P\) and \(Q\)

\[N = P \cdot Q\]

For a secure system, \(P\) and \(Q\) must be very bigggg \((> 1024 \text{ bits})\).

In our particular case

P = 981569731816206792118534210498736452673485598320277985759240

Q = 125894684707052732634619731920748998199627974572082321922141

NOTE: not showing full numbers because of space…

\[\begin{split} P \cdot Q &= (9815 \cdots 4089) \cdot (1258 \cdots 8161) \\ &= (1235 \cdots 0329) \\ &= N \\ \end{split}\]

Code to generate RSA keys

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

def generate_key(bits):
    KEY = RSA.generate(BIT_SIZE)
    return KEY


Code to print information about RSA key

def dump_key(rsa_key):
    print("Private parameters")
    print("Public parameters")


Real example of RSA parameters (1024 bits)

Private parameters

D = 7761465630161671436394072733256756752588763834923044263551118988704659594604713263

P = 9815697318162067921185342104987364526734855983202779857592405629379966924732117737

Q = 1258946847070527326346197319207489981996279745720823219221414936239300384536095509

Public parameters

N = 1258946847070527326346197319207489981996279745720823219221235744119049876613244964

E = 65537

To go from the message \(m\) to a number in \(\mathbb{Z}_n\) without using any padding schemes we can directly use the underlying bytes of the message.

For example

\[\begin{split} \text{The} &\longrightarrow \text{T h e} &\text{ ascii}\\ &\longrightarrow \texttt{54 68 65} &\text{ (base16)}\\ &\longrightarrow \texttt{01010100 01101000 01100101} &\text{ (base2)}\\ &\longrightarrow \texttt{5531749} &\text{ (base10)}\\ \end{split}\]

After we have obtain the final number, we have to reduce it modulo \(N\)

\[\text{The} \longrightarrow \texttt{5531749} \longrightarrow \texttt{5531749} \mod N\]

In our example

\[\text{The tutor of CNS sucks at teaching}\]


\[m = 2502081205180510485585787674763827799861583066412144329304354284188221575256436327\]

Encryption/Decryption in RSA

In RSA, encryption and decryption are done through modular exponentiation.

\[a^b \mod N\]

Some examples of modular exponentiation

  • \(2^{10} \mod 5 = 1024 \mod 5 = 4\)
  • \(5^{3} \mod 7 = 125 \mod 7 = 6\)

In particular, when we want to encrypt a message \(m\) using the public key \((e, N)\), we compute the following

\[m^e \mod N\]

In our case example this value is

\[(250208 \cdots 36327)^{65537} \mod (1235 \cdots 0329)\]

Code to encrypt using RSA

def encryption_example(key, plaintext):
    print(f"About to encrypt a new message")
    ciphertext = pow(plaintext, key.e, key.n)
    return ciphertext


Once we have the encrypted message, which is just a number, we can transmit it over the network to the receiver.

To get back the original message, the receiver will start from the ciphertext message \(c\) and use its own private key \(d\) to compute

\[c^d \mod N\]

Code to decrypt using RSA

def decryption_example(key, ciphertext):
    print(f"About to decrypt a new message")
    plaintext = pow(ciphertext, key.d, key.n)
    return plaintext


The mathematics of RSA guarantess that by doing this computation we get back the original message \(m\).

\[c^d \mod N = m\]

Putting everything toget we get

def encryption_decryption_test():
    key = generate_key(BIT_SIZE)
    m = b"The tutor of CNS sucks at teaching"
    p = bytes_to_long(m)
    c = encryption_example(key, p)
    p2 = decryption_example(key, c)
    assert p == p2, "Oops, we broke math"


Let us now formalize what we saw…

RSA in Theory

RSA is a public-key based cryptographic system that can be used for

  • confidentiality
  • integrity
  • authentication

It was discovered in 1977 by

\[\begin{split} \text{R} &\longrightarrow \text{Rivest} \\ \text{S} &\longrightarrow \text{Shamir} \\ \text{A} &\longrightarrow \text{Adleman} \\ \end{split}\]

RSA makes use of mathematical theorems taken from number theory for

  • correctness
  • security

When working with RSA, the following holds:

  • Messages are seen as numbers.
  • All work is done in a modular arithmetic.
  • Encryption and decryption are implemented through modular exponentiation.

Process of generating a public/private key in RSA

  1. We choose \(p\) and \(q\), two big primes distant from eachothers.
  2. We compute \(N\) and \(\Phi(N)\) as

    \[N = p \cdot q\] \[\Phi(N) = (p-1) \cdot (q - 1)\]

  3. We choose \(e < \Phi(N)\) coprime with \(\Phi(N)\).
  4. We compute \(d\) by solving

    \[d \equiv e^{-1} \mod \Phi(N)\]

Here with \(\Phi(N)\) we mean Euler's totient function, which simply counts the number of integers in \(\{1, 2, \ldots, N-1\}\) which are relatively prime to \(N\).

\[\begin{split} \Phi(3) &= 2 \\ \Phi(10) &= 4 \\ \Phi(7) &= 6 \\ \end{split}\]

If \(N = p \cdot q\), where \(p\) and \(q\) are primes, then

\[\Phi(N) = (p - 1) \cdot (q - 1)\]

To encrypt a message \(m \in [0, N)\) we use modular exponentiation

\[c = m^e \mod N\]

NOTE: Everyone can encrypt messages, as \((e, N)\) is the public key.

To decrypt an encrypted message \(c \in [0, N)\) we proceed once again with modular exponentiation

\[m = c^d \mod N\]

NOTE: Only the owner of the private key \(d\) can decrypt messages.

Let us now motivate two important aspects of RSA, which are:

  • correctness
  • security

RSA correctness

By correctness we mean the fact that we can use RSA to encrypt and decrypt properly. That is, we want to make sure that encryption is a revertable process.

In particular, remember the encryption procedure

\[c = m^e \mod N\]

When we decrypt we are computing a power of \(m\)

\[\begin{split} c^d \mod N &= (m^e)^d \mod N \\ &= m^{e \cdot d} \mod N \end{split}\]

Formally to have correctness we want

\[m^{e \cdot d} \mod N = m \mod N\]

The correctness of RSA relies on the Euler's Theorem

Given an integer \(a\) such that \(gcd(a, N) = 1\), then

\[a^{\Phi(N)} \equiv 1 \mod N\]

We know that the parameters were choosen such that

\[d \equiv e^{-1} \mod \Phi(N)\]

which means that

\[e \cdot d \equiv 1 \mod \Phi(N)\]

That is, there exists \(k \in \mathbb{Z}\) such that

\[e \cdot d = k \cdot \Phi(N) + 1\]

Putting it all together

\[\begin{cases} a^{\Phi(N)} \equiv 1 \mod N \\ \\ c^d = m^{e \cdot d} \mod N \\ \\ e \cdot d = k \cdot \Phi(N) + 1 \end{cases} \implies \begin{split} c^d &= m^{k \cdot \Phi(N) + 1} &\mod N \\ &= m^{k \cdot \Phi(N)} \cdot m &\mod N \\ &= (m^{\Phi(N)})^k \cdot m &\mod N \\ &= (1)^k \cdot m &\mod N \\ &= 1 \cdot m &\mod N \\ &= m &\mod N \\ \end{split}\]

Security of RSA

The security of RSA is based on the computational intractability of the factorization problem.

Remember, the public key of RSA is \((N, e)\).

Can an attacker use the public key to obtain the private key?

By knowing only \((N, e)\), we're not able to compute the private key \(d\), because \(d\) was computed as the solution of the following congruence

\[d \equiv e^{-1} \mod \Phi(N)\]

To solve

\[d \equiv e^{-1} \mod \Phi(N)\]

we need to know the value of \(\Phi(N)\).

And to know the value of \(\Phi(N)\) we need to know the prime factors of \(N\), as

\[\Phi(N) = (P - 1) \cdot (Q - 1)\]

This requires being able to factorize \(N\) into its prime factors.

This also means that the security of our system completely depends on the characteristics of the choosen primes \(p\) and \(q\).

To have a secure RSA the primes must be:

  1. Very bigggggggg
  2. Distant from eachothers

RSA Signature

RSA can also be used to sign messages.

RSA can also be used to sign messages (1/8)

Let \(d\) be our private key, and \((e, N)\) be our public key.

From a message \(m\), we want to compute a signature such that other entities can verify if our signature is valid.

RSA can also be used to sign messages (2/8)

To compute the signature of the message \(m\) we encrypt it using our private key as follows

\[s = m^d \mod N\]

RSA can also be used to sign messages (3/8)

This allows any other entity to check if the signature \(s\) is valid for message \(m\) by using our private key \((e, N)\) as follows

\[\begin{split} s^e \mod N = m \;\;? \begin{cases} \text{yes } &\implies \text{ valid signature } \\ \text{no } &\implies \text{ invalid signature } \\ \end{cases} \end{split}\]

RSA can also be used to sign messages (4/8)

Instead of signing the entire message \(m\), it is preferable to first use an hash function, compute \(H(m)\), and then sign the resulting value.

RSA can also be used to sign messages (5/8)

\[m \longrightarrow H(m) \longrightarrow \underbrace{H(m)^d \mod N}_{\text{ signature for } m }\]

RSA can also be used to sign messages (6/8)

def compute_signature(msg, key):
    hash_value = sha256(msg.encode('utf-8'))
    bytes_value = codecs.decode(hash_value.hexdigest(), 'hex_codec')
    hash_number = bytes_to_long(bytes_value) % key.n
    signature_value = pow(hash_number, key.d, key.n)
    return (msg, signature_value)


RSA can also be used to sign messages (7/8)

def verify_signature(signature, key):
    (msg, sig_value) = signature
    hash_value = sha256(msg.encode('utf-8'))
    bytes_value = codecs.decode(hash_value.hexdigest(), 'hex_codec')
    hash_number = bytes_to_long(bytes_value) % key.n    

    signature_check = pow(sig_value, key.e, key.n)

    if hash_number == signature_check:
        print("OK: Signature correctly verified!")
        print("NOPE: Signature failed!")


RSA can also be used to sign messages (8/8)

def main():
    global BIT_SIZE
    key = RSA.generate(BIT_SIZE)
    msg = "Hello World!"
    signature = compute_signature(msg, key)
    verify_signature(signature, key)    


Final Overview

Final recap of RSA Theory (1/4)

  • RSA makes use of modular arithmetic
  • RSA key requires two big and distant primes \(p, q\)
  • Public parameters are \((e, N)\) such that
    • \(N=p \cdot q\)
    • \(gcd(e, \Phi(N))=1\)
  • Private parameter \(d\) obtained by solving

    \[d \equiv e^{-1} \mod \Phi(N)\]

Final recap of RSA Theory (2/4)

  • Encryption and decryption implemented through modular exponentiation.
  • To encrypt

    \[c = m^e \mod N\]

  • To decrypt

    \[m = c^d \mod N\]

Final recap of RSA Theory (3/4)

  • Digital signature implemented by encrypting with private key.

    \[s = H(m)^d \mod N\]

  • To verify a digital signature \((m, s)\) we use the public key

    \[s^e \mod N == H(m) \;\; ?\]

Final recap of RSA Theory (4/4)

  • Security guaranteed as long as we cannot factorized \(N\) into its prime factors \(p\) and \(q\)

RSA in Practice

Many things can go wrong when implementing RSA in the real and scary world.

In the real world RSA is used a long side a padding scheme such as:

  • PKCS#1v1.5 (dangerous)
  • OAEP

The PKCS#1v1.5 padding scheme has been found to be vulnerable time and time again to a certain padding oracle attack known as the

Bleichenbacher oracle attack

(maybe we will see it in a future lecture)

A small and incomplete list of possible RSA implementation failures

  • Primes too small
  • Primes too close together
    • Fermat's Factorization Algorithm
  • Primes with specific forms
    • ROCA attack
  • Small public esponent
    • Bleichenbacher '06 Signature Forgery
  • Padding oracle attacks
    • Bleichenbacher attack on PKCS#1v1.5
    • Manger's attack on OAEP

Fermat Attack by Hanno Böck (Marh 2022)

To practice with some RSA related CTF I highly suggest the cryptohack website

CTF 01 – Factoring

RSA – PRIMES PART 1 – Factoring

In the challenge we are asked to factorize the following \(150\) bit number into its two-constituent primes.

\[N = 510143758735509025530880200653196460532653147\]

To solve the challenge we can use sage, and open-source mathematical system which can be used to solve many mathematical problems.

Installing sage

sudo apt install sagemath # on ubuntu
yay -S sagemath           # on archlinux

Using sage

[leo@ragnar ~]$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19                     │
│ Using Python 3.10.8. Type "help()" for help.                       │
sage: F = factor(510143758735509025530880200653196460532653147)
sage: F
19704762736204164635843 * 25889363174021185185929

In a few seconds we can break a \(150\) bit composite number into its factor components

\[\begin{split} 19704&762736204164635843 \cdot 25889363174021185185929 = \\ & 510143758735509025530880200653196460532653147 \\ \end{split}\]

CTF 02 – Monoprime

RSA – PRIMES PART 1 – Monoprime

If we use only \(1\) prime \(N=p\), then we can easily compute \(\Phi(N)\) as

\[\Phi(N) = \Phi(p) = p-1\]

and therefore easily compute

\[d \equiv e^{-1} \mod \Phi(p)\]

Using the challenge parameters and sage we obtain

sage: N = 17173137121806544412548253630224591541560331838028039238529183647229975274793460724647750850782728407576
....: 391026499532601025126849363050198981085541841664335263110243431790002869799322486862993565727306247254467569
....: 3365930943308086634291936846505861203914449338007760990051788980485462592823446469606824421932591
sage: R = IntegerModRing(N-1)
sage: R(65537)^(-1)

In particular we get

D = 490795822651992884701815448516268061665051826184087118631691

With the private key we're able to decrypt our text

[leo@ragnar 3_monoprime]$ python
Python 3.10.8 (main, Oct 13 2022, 21:13:48) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
>>> D = 490795822651992884701815448516268061665051826184087118631691425778747023
>>> N = 171731371218065444125482536302245915415603318380280392385291836472299752
>>> CT = 16136755034673060445145475618902893896494128034766209879877546601946337
>>> PT = pow(CT, D, N)
>>> long_to_bytes(PT)

The flag is
